Friday 11 October 2019

Why laptop is slow?

                                      Why the laptop gets slow?

Image result for problem in laptop
laptop hang
🔺 Old laptop = If your laptop is more, old then 5 years then it will have slower performance then the new one. As new software is released the old computer is not able to run this software as easily as a new one. 

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🔺 Hardware issue = If hard driveCPURAM, have any problem or if it is of older version then there is high chances of slow laptop or hang.

Image result for overheat old laptop
Laptop overheating
🔺 Laptop or processor is overheating Make sure your computer and processor is not overheating. Excessive heat can cause a decrease in computer performance because most operating systems automatically reduce the speed of the processor to help compensate for heat-related issues.

Image result for memory upgrade old laptop
Upgrade laptop memory

🔺 Memory upgrade = If you have had your computer for more than two years, you may need more memory. Today, we suggest computers have a minimum of 2 GB of memory ram for a 32-bit system and 4 GB ram for a 64-bit system. By having enough memory for programs to run within memory, your computer will not need to swap information stored in memory to the swap file. If the hard drive light is constantly active, it can be an indication the computer is frequently swapping information between your memory and hard drive.

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🔺 The virus also makes laptop slow = If your laptop has a virus then it will make your laptop process slow.

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