Monday 7 October 2019

Benefits of laptop

                   Advantages of Laptop

Highly portable = 1)The laptop can carry anywhere as it is a highly portable feature and because of its lightweight. 
2)You can work on your laptop at home or office at your convenience.
3) It can also be used during traveling where you can attend to your client meeting. 
4) As they are light in weight, they can be easily carried to any place.

Image result for iphone laptop
Instant use = 1) Usually carrying a laptop means your ticket to instant access to information, be it personal or professional.
2) It leads to better collaboration between the co-workers or students as a laptop can be used to present a problem or its solution anytime, anywhere.

Lower power consumption =1) Laptops are highly power-efficient and only uses 10-30 W of electricity. 2) This is particularly beneficial for businesses that use hundreds of laptops in their offices.
3) A charged laptop can be used for few hours irrespective of whether electricity supply is available or not.

Up to date information =1) The problem of synchronization arises when you use more than one computer for your work at different locations.
2) The problem can be resolved by the physical transfer of files using a USB stick or CDS or even using the synchronization software available on the internet. However, using the same laptop anywhere avoids the problem entirely as the files remain in a single laptop only and will not change irrespective of wherever you work.

Keyboard = It contains alphabet pad and number pad which help us to write without any external keyboard.

Mouse = It has a mouse joint below a keyboard.

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